Ratko Solar Logo

Ooga Wallet

Web/Android/iOS payment platform

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Technical specification

Ooga is a new payment platform for merchants and consumers that allows funding your account with credit card or bank account to use the funds for payments and transfers. There are three apps built for Ooga. Web and mobile app for consumers and administration app. Both apps run on Angular 6 and utilize REST API server that is built with Loopback framework. Consumer app includes screens for login/register, profile settings, payment methods, wallet, transactions, shops, send money, request money, pay shops, QR code scanning, deposit/withdraw money etc. Administration app is built for overseeing and managing user accounts, transactions and merchants.


Responsible for building the whole front-end part of all both web apps and hybrid mobile app which entailed:

  • Converting the design files to HTML/CSS
  • Design and architecture of Angular applications
  • Design and architecture of Ionic application
  • Internationalization (i18n) support for 6 languages
  • REST API integration
  • UI/UX improvements

Assisted in back-end development by working on implementation of new features and designing new data models utilzing Loopback.


The first challenge that we occurred was designing and architecting the base structure of application. Building a web app with 50+ screens made angular a perfect choice for future growth and maintainability. Angular CLI and lazy loading modules made this a whole lot easier by allowing us to separate the app logic by modules (per feature). One of the biggest challenges during development was internationalization (i18n) of the app. Ooga currently supports 6 different languages (English, Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, French and Turkish). We solved this by utilizing the @ngx-translate library (for both web and mobile) that allowed users to change language at runtime by loading JSON translation files in the background. Angular material components helped with adapting most of UI to both LTR and RTL languages on the web.

Let's get in touch

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